Visions of Australia - September 2024

This is a preview of the Visions Application 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Visions of Australia Grant Application

Visions of Australia Guidelines

Before starting this application you should ensure that you have read and understood the Visions of Australia Program Guidelines.

We also recommended reading the Frequently Asked Questions.

Privacy statement

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts will treat your personal information according to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. This includes letting you know:

  • what personal information we collect
  • why we collect your personal information
  • who we give your personal information to.

We will use the information collected in this form to administer this grant under the Visions of Australia program. Your information will be provided to independent assessors as part of the assessment process. The contact details you provide in this form may also be disclosed to the Minister for the Arts, other Members of Parliament and the Australia Council. Your name, contact details and other personal information will not be provided to any other person or organisation unless it is required by law.

For further information about our privacy obligations, (including in relation to how to access or collect personal information or make a complaint) and our contact details for privacy matters, please see out Privacy Policy.

The Australian Government may also use and disclose information about grant applicants and grant recipients under this grant opportunity in any other Australian Government business or function. This includes disclosing grant information on GrantConnect as required for reporting purposes and giving information to the Australian Taxation Office for compliance purposes.

As part of your application, you declare your ability to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles and impose the same privacy obligations on officers, employees, agents and subcontractors that you engage to assist with the activity, in respect of personal information you collect, use, store, or disclose in connection with the activity. Accordingly, you must not do anything, which if done by the department, would breach an Australian Privacy Principle as defined in the Act.

When to submit

This funding application is for activities that take place from 1 January 2025.

This funding round of the Visions of Australia program cannot fund any activity that has occurred before 1 January 2025.

Applications can be submitted anytime from 9am Monday 2 September 2024 to 5pm Friday 27 September 2024 AEST.

Funding outcomes are expected to be advised within three months of the closing date.